KAU Handbook 2025
Sl. No. | Title | Date | Description |
1 | KAU Handbook 2025 | 09/01/2025 |
Price list of Value Added Products w.e.f. 01-04-2024
Sl. No. | Title | Date | Description |
2 | Price list of Value Added Products w.e.f. 01-04-2024 | 23/03/2024 |
Price list of Seeds and Planting Materials w.e.f. 01-04-2024
Sl. No. | Title | Date | Description |
3 | Price list of Seeds and Planting Materials w.e.f. 01-04-2024 | 23/03/2024 |
Newly Released Crop Varieties-2018
Sl. No. | Title | Date | Description |
4 | Newly Released Crop Varieties | 19/05/2018 |
കാർഷിക കേരളത്തിൻറെ വികസനത്തിന് നൂതന സമീപനം - കാർഷിക പാരിസ്ഥിതിക മേഖലകളും വിള ക്രമങ്ങളും
Sl. No. | Title | Date | Description |
5 | കാർഷിക കേരളത്തിൻറെ വികസനത്തിന് നൂതന സമീപനം - കാർഷിക പാരിസ്ഥിതിക മേഖലകളും വിള ക്രമങ്ങളും | 04/06/2020 |
കാർഷിക കേരളത്തിൻറെ വികസനത്തിന് നൂതന സമീപനം - കാർഷിക പാരിസ്ഥിതിക മേഖലകളും വിള ക്രമങ്ങളും |
Guidelines for Implementation of Agriculture Export Policy
Sl. No. | Title | Date | Description |
6 | Guidelines for Implementation of Agriculture Export Policy | 16/03/2020 |
Guidelines for the Central sector scheme on Implementation of Agriculture Export Policy. |
Management of Fall Army Worm in Maize
Sl. No. | Title | Date | Description |
7 | Management of Fall Army Worm in Maize | 15/11/2019 |
Management of Fall Army Worm in Maize |
Sl. No. | Title | Date | Description |
Publications of Faculty and Students of KAU - 2018
Sl. No. | Title | Date | Description |
9 | Publications of Faculty and Students of KAU - 2018 | 10/04/2019 |
Publications of Faculty and Students of KAU - 2017
Sl. No. | Title | Date | Description |
10 | Publications of Faculty and Students of KAU - 2017 | 10/04/2019 |
Newly Released Crop Varieties
Sl. No. | Title | Date | Description |
11 | Newly Released Crop Varieties | 10/04/2019 |
General guidelines for undertaking short term research work of UG/PG/ Ph.D students from other Colleges / Universities at various Stations / Colleges of KAU
Sl. No. | Title | Date | Description |
12 | General guidelines for undertaking short term research work of UG/PG/ Ph.D students from other Colleges / Universities at various Stations / Colleges of KAU | 09/04/2019 |
Tender Form
Sl. No. | Title | Date | Description |
13 | Tender Form |
Tender Form |